Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Moving Eastward

Dear Everybody I know,

A common theme among self-help books and 12-step programs is a piece of advice meant to help you find your life's calling. Do now what you would plan to do in retirement. It is also a common question asked by every high school guidance counselor:

Q: "What would you do if you could do anything you want?"

A: "I'd live in a fairly populous location close to high quality climbing and biking and work for an outdoor gear company working on conceptual designs for products, but I'd have a lot of free time to get outdoors."

So, based on the advice of an archetypal guidance counselor, I've decided to move to Salt Lake City in September. I'll work part time for Guyot Designs (check out GuyotDesigns.com) and possibly do some contract work for Velocity11 while working on my web and photog skills, which I would currently describe as "nascent". I should have a lot of time to get out in the mountains which are nearby and filled with climbing and biking and skiing. Moab, The Wind Rivers, Joe's Valley, LCC, Maple Canyon, etc etc. The list is very long all of it is within a 4 hour drive.

I'm sad to leave behind all the great folks of the Bay Area. Thanks for all the wonderful memories and adventures. I'll be back to visit, and you've got a couch to sleep on in Salt Lake City when you come to visit. Not that I know where I'm living yet. But when I've got an address I'll send it out. Same old cell phone number and email address.

Hope you're all doing well.


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