I've begun updating my webpage. I portentously named my webpage "the beginning" hoping it would spur me down a long path of web design and development. Since it was only the beginning I thought it'd be fine to host it on a free service like Googlepages. I'm now beyond the beginning. I've started to reach the limits of what Googlepages can do for me. So, this new page is my first real attempt at web design (as opposed to using those nice pre-made templates from googlepages). As my first true attempt I'd have to rate it medium rare. Because really right now, it's only a new front page, and it doesn't even do anything cool, just look good*. But it's still cooking. I need to update all the rest of the content with the new look and feel, but I think first I've got to find a real hosting service outside of Googlepages. I think it'll be pretty tasty once all that is finished grilling. In the meantime, I'd love to hear what you think about it.
*I hope.
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